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The SRE Manifesto

Site Reliability Engineering Practice

Infrastructure Provisioning through Code

Practice code Practice area(s) Practice name Practice description Practice applicability Practice technology(ies) Implementation steps
DOE100 [x] DevOps; [x] Automation Infrastructure Provisioning through Code Provision infrastructure components by applying infrastructure as code (IaC) Applicable to all industries and systems IaC technologies such as Terraform 1. Declare the desired state of infrastructure by using IaC scripting; 2. Deploy infrastructure to the target environment by executing the IaC scripts; 3. Test the new infrastructure and adjust the IaC scripts if necessary; 4. Save the IaC scripts to a source code versioning system like GitHub; 5. Any changes to the infrastructure go through the IaC scripts and subsequent execution of them.

Source: Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
